Hello World (or friends and strangers on the internet),
As I type this, I humbly realize that it has been three weeks since I last posted. Ooops! The year was off to a rocky start for me, although I suppose being sick can be a chance to make changes and get off to a fresh start. In that sense, I feel like my ‘new’ year has just begun! It’s almost the Lunar New Year, so perhaps it’s fitting.
In the spirit of intention-setting, I also wrote down three things that I’d like to improve that would be meaningful for me. Although I would like to think of this as 2025 goals, I know myself well enough that I’m better off revisiting and editing my goals a bit more often than every 12 months. So for now, I’m calling it my wintertime intention. I’ll look at this again in the spring and see if I’d like to make any changes.
Here’s a photo of my little memo pad (edited & refined version below):

Three Meaningful Challenges for 2025 Winter (& Maybe Beyond):
- I want to get better at dancing, specifically refining my skills and widening my range of self-expression. I think this would help me be less self-conscious and be more confident in myself — plus, I actually enjoy dancing and I’d have a lot of fun!
- I’d like to challenge myself to participate in at least one competition or showcase at least once a season.
- I’d like to grow the confidence to jump in cyphers
- I’d like to record myself dancing at least once a week (for each genre I’m working on)
- I want to make more art, especially illustration, zines, and comics. I enjoy the process a lot, and would like to make more of a habit of incorporating it in my practice on a regular basis.
- I’d like to make at least one illustration print a month
- I’d like to make at least one zine a month
- I want to become healthier in both physical and mental aspects. I think it will help me feel more positive about myself and help achieve my dance goals too.
- I’d like to focus on eating cleaner foods, more protein, and less overeating sugary/processed foods especially when I am tired or stressed.
- I’d like to exercise every day, even if they are very short. In particular, I’d like to do bodyweight resistance exercises and flexibility exercises.
Okay that’s it! :) Hurrah!